The development of agricultural use in the area of the photovoltaic power plant D3 next to the flow accumulation of the HE Brežice




agrovoltaics, dual use of agricultural land, flow accumulation of HE Brežice, photosynthesis light saturation point


Agrovoltaics as a method of dual use of agricultural land is the subject of many researches and projects of scientific research institutions and investors. The company Hidroeletrarne na Spodnji Savi, d.o.o. wants to develop the concept of agricultural use of agricultural land between and under the existing panels of the solar power plant. The solar power plant is located in the municipality of Brežice, the plots of land are in the cadastral municipality of Krška vas. The total area suitable for the development of agricultural use, on which the solar power plant is located, is 8.8 hectares. Through a case study, we reviewed the theoretical starting points for planning agricultural production in the area of the existing solar power plant. Through our study, we selected suitable species and varieties of plants that would be suitable for cultivation in this area. For the long-term financial sustainability of agricultural production, the study also checked the expected costs and revenues for the agricultural land use plan. Based on the case study, we conclude that this area could also be used for plant production, such as the production of asparagus, currants and raspberries. At the end of the research project, we proposed that in the future photovoltaics should be planned together with agricultural use, since there are significantly more possibilities for the dual use of agricultural land with the simultaneous planning of energy and agriculture.


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13. 12. 2023



Original Scientific Article

How to Cite

PODGORŠEK, J. (2023). The development of agricultural use in the area of the photovoltaic power plant D3 next to the flow accumulation of the HE Brežice. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 119(4), 1–10.