The first and mass occurrence of fungus Sclerophthora macrospora (SACC.) Thirumalachar, C. G. Shaw and Narasimhan on maize in Slovenia
In 1999 a pronounced infection of maize with fungus Sclerophthora macrospora occurred in some parts of Slovenia, especially in the north-eastern region. The infected plants were found only on those fields, or parts of those fields, which were flooded for some time soon after sowing or emergence of the crop. This article presents different disease causing fungi, their history and taxonomy, and deals in detail with the species Sclerophthora macrospora, the only disease causing organism under our growing conditions. The occurrence of the fungus throughout the world is presented as well as its hosts, typical symptoms of the disease on maize (“crazy top”), pathogen biology, the mode of infection, its survival under unfavorable conditions, and possible protection against the infection. The article also describes the actual situation in Slovenia, and adds a comment on possible regular occurrences of this disease in future.
Copyright (c) 1999 University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty

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