Use of universal kriging for objective spatial interpolation of average yearly precipitation in Slovenia
Universal kriging was used as a objective spatial interpolation method to obtain mean yearly precipitation of Slovenia, for the period 1961-1990. Its linear dependence by altitude and longitude was taken into account. We used the data corrected for the error caused by wind. The spatial interpolation was done in the grid with 1 km resolution. We used the digital relief model with the same resolution.
On the basis of the cross-validation technique we chose the exponent variogram model. The circle with the 40 km radius as the influential surrounding was taken into consideration. On these basis we obtained the mean yearly precipitation map for Slovenia. We compared our results with the subjectively obtained map (Kolbezen and Pristov, 1998). The results were assessed on the basis of the cross-validation technique and analysis of kriging standard error.
Copyright (c) 1999 University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty

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