Mulching strategies and the significance of mulching in improving soil fertility and soil physical properties: A review
Organic and inorganic mulches, soil properties, pros and cons of mulches, mulching and soil fertilityAbstract
Approximately 50% of our planet is made up of arid and semi-arid areas. Due to the limited amount of rainfall in drylands, crop productivity and yields must be maximized through the optimization of agricultural field management techniques. However, because it necessitates intensive cultural techniques like irrigation, weeding, fertilizers, and prevent against biotic and abiotic stress is an expensive end favour. This review examined around 113 of the most recent published studies and examined the effects of various mulching materials and procedures on the soil and surrounding environment, which have an impact on crop productivity. Mulch can be a suitable substitute to reduce the amount of irrigation and chemical inputs for weed control. Taking sustainable agriculture measures is critical to effectively coping with the effect of the increasing population on food. Mulching can also regulates soil temperature, moisture content, organic matter content, soil microorganisms, pest and insect control, and plant yield. This review's objective is to conduct a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of mulches used in vegetable farming. Thus, it has been suggested that mulching techniques be used in vegetable production to reduce cultivation costs and improve soil properties as temperature regulation, moisture, weed suppression, and soil biological activities.
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