Logistic regression and the problem of separation





logistic regression, maximum likelihood, small datasets, sparse datasets, separation, Firth's penalized likelihood


Logistic regression is used to study the relationship between a binary outcome variable (one event may occur or not) and a set of covariates. Individualized prognosis can be obtained by estimating the probability of an event given the covariates. Moreover, regression coefficients, usually estimated by the method of maximum likelihood, can be interpreted as the log odds ratios. In situations where the data are small or sparse, the likelihood maximization algorithm may fail to converge, leading to implausible parameter estimates. In statistics, this situation is known as 'separation'. In practice, separation may go unnoticed due to software limitations in identifying the problem. The results obtained from such analyses can be puzzling and may be misinterpreted. Therefore, in this manuscript, we aim to: motivate the use of logistic regression to study the relationship between a binary outcome and a set of covariates; demonstrate the problem of separation with a real-data example; and show how to overcome separation.


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4. 10. 2024



Original Scientific Article

How to Cite

Šinkovec, H., Kastelec, D., & Bitežnik, L. (2024). Logistic regression and the problem of separation. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 120(3), 1−10. https://doi.org/10.14720/aas.2024.120.3.19353

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