Functional analysis of drought tolerance QTLs in two barley populations using BLAST on associated SNP sequencesFunctional analysis of drought tolerance QTLs in two barley populations using BLAST on associated SNP sequences


  • Dr Arash Mohamadi
  • Dr Omid Sofalian university of mohaghegh ardabili
  • Dr Hossein Jafary
  • Dr Ali Asghari
  • Dr Farid Shekari
  • Dr Seyed Mohamad Mahdi Mortazavian
  • Dr Fatemeh Mohamadi azar



Barley, Bioinformatics, Gene ontology, QTL validation, Single nucleotide polymorphism


Functional SNPs serve as biological markers that aid biologists and breeders in identifying genes linked to specific traits. This study explored the relationship between QTLs associated with drought tolerance and functional SNPs using two populations: Vada × Susptrit (V × S) and Cebada Cappa × Susptrit (C. Cappa × S). Bioinformatics tools were employed to analyze significant SNPs within QTL regions, revealing markers on chromosomes 1H, 2H, 3H, 5H, and 7H for the V × S population, and on 4H and 6H for C. Cappa × S. In total, 24 proteins/enzymes related to drought tolerance were characterized in the V × S population. At the same time, 10 were identified in C. Cappa × S. Notable proteins, including Phytochrome B and SAPK7, were located on chromosome 4H. These proteins play crucial roles in the plant's response to drought stress, with documented regulatory effects. Gene ontology analysis indicated four cellular components—membrane, nucleus, chloroplast, and proteasome complex—and five biological processes, such as oxidation-reduction and protein phosphorylation. The proteins exhibited diverse molecular functions, including ATP binding and kinase activity. Overall, the study highlights potential functional SNP markers for validating QTLs related to drought tolerance in barley.


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13. 12. 2024



Original Scientific Article

How to Cite

Mohamadi, A., Sofalian, O., Jafari, H., asghari, ali, Shekari, F., Mortazavian, S. M. M., & mohamadi azar, fatemeh. (2024). Functional analysis of drought tolerance QTLs in two barley populations using BLAST on associated SNP sequencesFunctional analysis of drought tolerance QTLs in two barley populations using BLAST on associated SNP sequences. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 120(4), 1−16.