Effect of boron spraying, potassium levels, and irrigation interval on some physiological traits and Cabbage productivity
Cabbage, boron spraying, potassium levels , irrigation interval, proline content, carotene , peroxidase enzymeAbstract
Water shortages directly impact human malnutrition and agricultural productivity. However, the ideal irrigation times must accommodate crop seasons in various climates and address the effects of climate change. Thus, this research aimed to quantify the impact of fertilizers, including boron and potassium, and irrigation intervals. In 2021, two irrigation intervals—three and six days—were used in a field trial. Potassium fertilizer was applied at three rates, namely, 0, 75, and 150 kg K ha-1 which were applied three times at the beginning of the season, then, 20 and 40 days after the planting day. Boron was sprayed on plants at three rates 0, 50, and 100 mg B L-1. This spraying procedure was performed 20, 40, and 60 days after planting the plants, using boric acid containing a 17.4% boron concentration. This study employed the drip irrigation technique. However, the dataset showed that antioxidants were increased at six irrigation intervals, compared to three days through the irrigation schedule. Proline, peroxidase, carotene, and catalase enzymes increased as irrigation intervals increased. Since plants use potassium to maintain their water content, potassium was associated with an increase in antioxidants and the rate of boron fertilizer.
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