About the Journal

Focus and Scope

ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA publishes original research articles and reviews papers that examine the broad field of biology. Based in Slovenia, Acta Biologica Slovenica combines locally oriented research with the original research from neighbouring countries, Europe, and broader international space.

Acta Biologica Slovenica is a diamond open-access, international peer-reviewed scientific journal published twice a year by the University of Ljubljana Press and issued by the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The journal considers biology broadly and publishes original scientific articles and reviews covering diverse topics that include: animal sciences, plant sciences, environmental sciences, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, agriculture, and anthropology.

The journal is governed by an Editorial Team (editor-in-chief, managing editor and technical editor) in cooperation with the International Editorial Board, consistent with the mission of the journal.

Acta Biologica Slovenica was launched as an free-access journal in 2017. The series has one volume with two issues per year. The journal is published online only since 2022 (ISSN: 1854-3073). Since 2024 the journal is published as one volume with three issues per year.

 Acta Biologica Slovenica continues the legacy of the journal Biološki vestnik (ISSN 0520-1969), which was published continuously from 1952 until 1995.

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts in Acta Biologica Slovenica are peer-reviewed. They are examined by the editors upon receipt. Afterwards, the authors are (if necessary) asked to correct or change the manuscript. After updating the manuscript, it is sent to two anonymous reviewers (single-blind review). The reviewers receive a manuscript with the author's name and affiliation, and the author gets the review(s) without the reviewers' names. If the reviews require the manuscript to be corrected or augmented, the review will be sent to the author to correct the manuscript. Manuscripts with major corrections are subject to a another review. The editor-in-chief and managing editor can suggest improvements regarding content and technical aspects. The article may be rejected for publication by the reviewers or editors.

Publication Frequency

The Journal Editor accepts submissions continuously. The editorial process takes approx. Five months. Acta Biologica Slovenica is published twice a year: in July and December.

Open Access Policy

Acta Biologica Slovenica publishes according to the diamond open access model and supports the principle that making research findings freely available to the public encourages the public good through the greater global exchange of knowledge. 

Acta Biologica Slovenica does not charge authors or any third party for publication. Both submission and processing of manuscripts, and publication of articles are free of charge. There are no fees for publishing materials. There are no: "article processing charges" (APCs), "article submission charges", "membership fees" or "language editing fees". We do not charge authors for having colour photos or extra pages in their articles. There are no hidden costs whatsoever.

Financial support for Acta Biologica Slovenica comes from the Slovenian biological society's membership fees and the Slovenian Research Agency. Published articles are not eligible for a fee.

Before 1995, the sole copyright holder was the publisher: Slovenian Biological Society.

From 2023, Acta biologica Slovenica uses Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence. 

Abstracting & Indexing (A&I) databases

The articles of Acta Biologica Slovenica are indexed/reviewed in the following databases/resources:

Print version subscription

Acta Biologica Slovenica is a free online open-access scientific journal.

Archiving policy

Published articles and issues are stored in the publisher's database and available online at: https://journals.uni-lj.si/abs/issue/archive. In addition, issues are deposited with the National and University Library.

Journal Sponsorship

  • University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty
  • Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS)


Published by: University of Ljubljana Press

Issued by: University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty
Department of Biology
Jamnikarjeva 101
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Principal Contact: matevz.likar@bf.uni-lj.si