The macrophytes of lake Velenjsko Jezero, Slovenia – the succession of macrophytes after restoration of the lake
lake Velenjsko jezero, succession of macrophytes, species composition and distribution, relative plant mass, maximal depth colonizationAbstract
The macrophyte vegetation in the artificial lake Velenjsko jezero has been monitored since 1996.The pH of the lake was around 12 up to 1994, when it was remediated. After that macrophytes started to colonize a large proportion of the littoral very quickly. The pioneer species, which appeared in the first survey year (1996), were Chara sp., Nuphar lutea, Potamogeton crispus and Myriophyllum spicatum. Potamogeton crispuswas the dominant species till 1997. In the following years Najas marina and Potamogeton filiformis prevailed over other species in the lake. Since the beginning of the colonization, the species composition had become more heterogeneous and the quantitative relationships between the species varied enormously. In the year 2004, 9 species were detected in the lake. While species Najas marina, Potamogeton filiformis, Potamogeton lucens, Potamogeton nodosus show positive development progress, in the last years minor appearance of Charasp., Potamogeton crispusand Najas minor was observed.
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