Laboratory work in biology teaching at slovene secondary schools
Biology, education, laboratory work, secondary schools, teachers’ attitudeAbstract
Between years 2005 and 2006 was conducted a research based on extended questionnaire about implementation of computer-based laboratory into Science teaching. One of the specific goals was to find out preliminary data about status of laboratory exercises in teaching biology. Our interest was in sources of teachers’ manuals, which style of laboratory work prevails, how often teachers include laboratory work in their teaching, the way in which exercises are performed and teacher’s attitudes toward such work. Answers from 70 teachers (about 40% of Slovene secondary school biology teachers) were received. Based on the answers of the questionnaire we can conclude that teachers have generally positive attitudes toward laboratory work, and they include into teaching most of the prescribed laboratory exercises. Not so positive are the findings that a large part of the exercises is presented to the students as demonstrations, and expository style is preferred. Into the future efforts should be done to transfer expository labs into inquiry and problem-based laboratory work. If the situation stayed unchanged the function of laboratory work will be only in function of presentation and clarification of concepts. The influence of such work in the domain of so called higher educational goals would be minimal or nonexistent. If the intention is to improve Biology teaching then the prescribed curriculum should be changed in the way that more timeis given to few topics. On the other hand teachers need more in-service trainings in didactics of problem-based teaching.
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