Wet meadows with Purple Moor-grass (Molinia caerulea) in Slovenia
Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench subsp. caerulea, plant species composition, vegetation ecology, wetlandsAbstract
The paper presents wet meadow vegetation with taxon Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench subsp. caerulea in Slovenia. The main objective of this study was to examine the plant species composition and plant species richness of wet meadow plant
communities with the mentioned dominating or co-dominating plant taxon. Vegetation was recorded in accordance with standard Central European method. Vegetation types were classified by means of multivariate analysis. Four associations from the alliance Molinon Koch 1926 were identified and analysed: Plantagini altissimae-Molinietum caeruleae Marchiori & Sburlino 1982, Selino-Molinietum caeruleae Kuhn 1937, Carici davallianae-Molinietum caeruleae Špániková 1978 and Junco-Molinietum caeruleae
Preising 1951 ex Klapp 1954. Ecological characteristics, plant species composition and richness of the delimited plant communities are presented, as well as their syntaxonomic position and distribution. For two of the mentioned communities relevés made in Slovenia are published here for the first time.
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