Localities and sites of protected and endangered species Bellevalia romana (L.) Reichenb. (Hyacinthaceae) in Slovenia


  • Igor Dakskobler
  • Branko Vreš




Bellevalia romana, Hyacinthaceae, new localitites, endangered species, Scorzonero-Chrysopogonetalia, Goriška Brda, Istria, Slovenia


The article describes three new localities of a rare and endangered species of lowland meadows Bellevalia romana in Slovenia: at Ankaran in Slovenian Istria (confirmed in 2002, but not found yet in 2011) and at Golo Brdo and between Golo Brdo and Mišček in the Idrija valley (Goriška Brda). Only a total of four localities of this species can be confirmed in Slovenia in the year 2011 – in the Goriška region also under Sv. Katarina above Kromberk and in Istria on more places at Sečovlje. As regards their sites, the localities in the Goriška region on flysh and riparian meadows differ from those in Istria, where it grows on wet meadows and in reed and tall herb communities, on trampled soil in the immediate vicinity of the sea. The endangered species can be preserved through adequate protection of its sites. That usually means annual, but not too early, mowing of the meadows on which it grows.


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Original Research Paper

How to Cite

Dakskobler, I., & Vreš, B. (2011). Localities and sites of protected and endangered species Bellevalia romana (L.) Reichenb. (Hyacinthaceae) in Slovenia. Acta Biologica Slovenica, 54(1), 55-66. https://doi.org/10.14720/abs.54.2.15484