Modeling potential effects of brown bear kleptoparasitism on the predation rate of Eurasian lynx
Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx, brown bear, Ursus arctos, kleptoparasitism, interspecific competition, predation, kill rate, Dinaric MountainsAbstract
Kleptoparasitism is a frequent phenomenon when consumption of prey by predator continues for a relatively long period. This is common when prey is larger or of a similar size as the predator. We built a simple model to study the potential effects of the kleptoparasitism by the brown bears (Ursus arctos)on the predation rate of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the northern Dinaric Mountains, where the two species coexist. When using data from literature and preliminary studies in the study area, the model suggests substantial increase in the predation rate of the lynx due to the scavenging activity of bears. However, additional data from the field on the frequency, time course and seasonal variation of the bear’s visits to carcasses are needed, as well as an evaluation of the lynx’ possibilities to increase the predation rate. We suggest that the effects of kleptoparasitism should be considered when evaluating the impact of predation on populations of wild game and during conservation efforts for conservation of endangered carnivore species.
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