Environmental assessment and macrophytes of the watercourses Bloščica and Cerkniščica


  • Špela Mechora
  • Urška Kuhar
  • Mateja Germ




environmental assessment, macrophytes, watercourses


The aim of the present work was to determine the abundance and distribution of macrophytes in streams Bloščica and Cerkniščica and to establish the relation between environment characteristics and abundance of macrophytes. The environmental and macrophytes’ inventory was made on the whole length of the watercourse. We determined a presence, abundance and growth form of macrophytes and environmental parameters according to modified RCE Inventory. Nineteen taxa were found in the watercourse Bloščica and 20taxa in the watercourse Cerkniščica. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that six environmental parameters significantly affected macrophyte community, the most influential being bottom structure, the width of riparian zone, retention devices in a channel and the land use beyond the riparian zone.


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Original Research Paper

How to Cite

Mechora, Špela, Kuhar, U., & Germ, M. (2010). Environmental assessment and macrophytes of the watercourses Bloščica and Cerkniščica. Acta Biologica Slovenica, 53(2), 33-43. https://doi.org/10.14720/abs.53.2.15503

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