Science goes to school: A new model for introduction of modern biology teaching strategies to Slovene schools


  • Barbara Vilhar
  • Simona Strgulc Krajšek



science education, biology, teaching, effective learning, university-school partnership


In the framework of the project Science Goes to School, we developed and tested a new model for introduction of modern biology teaching strategies to Slovene schools. The project focused around a close university-school partnership, bringing together the expertise of scientists from the University of Ljubljana and the experiences of teachers from 22 Slovene secondary schools (grades 9-12, age of students 15-19). The project comprised three phases. During the introductory workshop, project scientists and partner teachers identified curriculum topics with an acute lack of good-quality teaching materials. During the second phase, university scientists developed new practical activities for students and prepared comprehensive teaching materials. Each new activity was tested in partner schools, with a scientist acting as a visiting teacher. Partner teachers were present in the class during testing and were hence trained in the authentic environment of their own classrooms. Both teachers and students contributed their comments and suggestions for improvement of new activities. The visiting scientist also acted as a role model motivating the students to consider science careers. During the third phase, the new teaching materials were published in a handbook for teachers and on the internet. In addition, the new activities were presented to a wider community of teachers and school laboratory assistants during a training workshop. The project was favourably received among the teachers, the project scientists and the students in partner schools. To efficiently improve biology education in Slovene schools, such activities require long-term, stable funding from national sources.


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Original Research Paper

How to Cite

Vilhar, B., & Strgulc Krajšek, S. (2010). Science goes to school: A new model for introduction of modern biology teaching strategies to Slovene schools. Acta Biologica Slovenica, 53(2), 109-120.

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