Survey of the Lynx lynx distribution in the French Alps: 2005–2009 update.


  • Eric Marboutin
  • Christophe Duchamp
  • Perrine Moris
  • Pierre-Emmanuel Briaudet
  • Yannick Léonard
  • Michel Catusse



Lynx lynx, France, Alps, presence signs, population trend


As part of the survey of the pan-alpine population of Eurasian Lynx, the French national network of large carnivores experts collected N = 301 data, out of which 159 (n1 = 2 C1, n2 = 62 C2, n3 = 95 C3) were regarded robust enough from a technical point of view to evidence the presence of lynx (compared to 224 data in the previous pentad). Such a rejection rate (46%) significantly differed from that (24%) observed elsewhere in the Lynx area during the same period, but not from that during the previous pentad in the Alps (43%). The rejection rate was dependent on data type: hair and faeces samples were significantly more often rejected than other presence signs (78% vs. 41%). Among other presence signs, prints were more often rejected (55%) than expected, and sightings were less rejected (35%) than expected. Preys were rejected according to expectations given sample sizes. As noted during the previous pentad, a north-south gradient was evidenced in presence signs collected: C1+C2 were more often encountered north to Grenoble than in the southern part of the lynx area, contrary to C3. Using a modelling approach of the trend in the presence area detected, area with regular presence was increasing then stable, whereas a declining trend was noticed in the area newly colonized during the last years.


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Original Research Paper

How to Cite

Marboutin , E., Duchamp , C., Moris , P., Briaudet , P.-E., Léonard, Y., & Catusse , M. (2012). Survey of the Lynx lynx distribution in the French Alps: 2005–2009 update. Acta Biologica Slovenica, 55(1), 29-34.