Status and distribution of the lynx (Lynx lynx) in the Italian Alps 2005–2009
Alps, distribution, Italy, Lynx lynx, monitoring, occupancyAbstract
To assess the status of lynx we analysed lynx signs of presence within the range of the Italian Alps from 2005 to 2009. A total of 268 signs have been collected, compared to 411 signs during the previous pentad. The distribution of the confirmed signs of lynx presence isconfined to three concise areas: the North-eastern Alps of Friuli VG, the Trentino province and the Ossola valley in the Piedmont region. Occupancy modelling revealed a decrease of the lynx range by one third: The estimated number of occupied 100 km2 cells decreased from 34 (pentad: 2000–2004) to 21 (pentad: 2005–2009). Less than 10% of the Italian Alps are colonized. We estimated the number of lynx present in all the Italian Alps at less than 15 individuals. Therefore, the persistence of lynx in the Italian Alps highly depends on immigration from neighbouring countries.
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