Status and distribution of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Slovenia from 2005 to 2009
Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx, Dinaric population, monitoring, distribution, SloveniaAbstract
In Slovenia, the status of the re-introduced Eurasian lynx population is monitored using the SCALP (Status and Conservation of Alpine Lynx Populations) methodology. Monitoring is organized by the Slovenia Forest Service in cooperation with other institutions and individuals. We analysed the data for the 2005–2009 monitoring period and compared it with the previous periods to explore population status and trends for the northern part of the Dinaric population. During this last pentad we recorded six C1 category data points, 832 data points of category C2, and 96 points of category C3. These numbers are comparable to the previously reported period of 2000–2004. The spatial distribution of signs of lynx presence remained similar compared to the previous period. Presence and status of the lynx are easier to interpret because of additional telemetry data and a habitat suitability that has been produced since the last report. We assume that this lynx population is critically endangered, because of demographic as well as genetic reasons. To prevent local extinction, an active approach is needed for revitalization of the population which would address demographic factors as well as improve the depleted gene pool.
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