Achenes of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in packages of sunflower achenes for outdoor birds
Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Helianthus annuus, invasive species, ragweed, Slovenia, sunflower fruitsAbstract
Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) is a highly invasive annual plant, introduced to Europe from North America. One of the important spreading vectors of Ambrosia is trading with contaminated sunflower achenes. We analysed the content of ragweed achenes in the packages of sunflower achenes for outdoor birds, which are available in Slovenian shops and markets. The ragweed achenes were found in 29 % of the 28 analysed packages. In three packages, the mass percentage of Ambrosia achenes per kg of animal feed exceeded the maximum content (50 mg/kg) allowed by EU law. The analysis showed that it is not possible to infer the presence or absence of Ambrosia achenes in a sample from the amount of impurities in the package of sunflower achenes for bird feed.
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