Presence and abundance of macrophytes in Lake Slivniško jezero
macrophytes, Lake Slivniško jezero, species composition, environmental assessmentAbstract
Macrophytes are an important part of the lake biota. They are also bioindicators of environmental conditions. The goal of the present research was to determine species richness and abundance as well as longitudinal and depth distribution of macrophytes in Lake Slivniško jezero. A survey of macrophytes in the whole lake littoral was made, the minimum and maximum depth of taxa were measured and their abundance was estimated as well. We also assessed selected environmental parameters of the littoral and catchment. 22 macrophyte taxa: 9 emergent, 9 submerged and 4 natant macrophytes were determined. The most frequent species were Phragmites australis, Najas marina, Myriophyllum spicatum and Potamogeton nodosus. The maximum depth of colonisation was achieved by Nymphaea alba (to 2.4 m), while M. spicatum and N. marina grown to the depth of 1.9 m. According to CCA the distribution of macrophytes was significantly influenced by exposition, bottom slope, sediment type, slope of riparian zone, macroalgae abundance, type of riparian vegetation, completeness of riparian zone, land-use beyond the riparian zone and water turbidity.
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