Lower secondary school students’ interest and emotions regarding dissection in schools - a pilot study
animals, dissection, interest, emotions, secondary school studentsAbstract
In the present study, we investigated lower secondary school student’s interest and emotions regarding dissection in schools. Self-reported interest and emotions of fear and disgust toward dissection were assessed. In addition to well-known gender differences from prior studies, the author also assessed if age, participation in home cooking of meat and fish or participation in the home slaughtering and butchering of livestock has an effect on these mentioned dependent variables. The results show, that situational interest was predominantly influenced by the students’ age. Older students displayed higher interest in school dissections. Individual interest was influenced by grade, gender and by participation in home slaughtering. Emotions concerning dissection were significantly influenced by gender. Situational interest was predicted both by personal interest and negative emotions. From the results, it can be concluded that participation in home cooking and home slaughtering of livestock has no effect on students’ interest and emotions regarding dissection, which is somehow contradictory to the statements of other authors who argue that repeated exposure to dissections raises student’s interest and lowers negative emotions regarding dissections. Perhaps spatial and temporal dimensions ought to be considered in addition to the level of students’ involvement in such activities.
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