Some anatomical characteristics of the skeleton of grey heron, Ardea cinerea


  • Zlatko Golob
  • Srdan Bavdek
  • Tina Zajc
  • Franc Janžekovič
  • Tina Klenovšek



anatomy, skeleton, birds, Ardea cinerea


In the skeletons of four grey herons (Ardea cinerea), we studied the morphological characteristics of bones and skeletal groups, particularly certain segments of the skull, spine, pectoral girdle, sternum and pelvic girdle. The skull is characterized by a pronounced craniofacial bending zone (zona flexoria craniofacialis), long frontal bone (os frontale) with a distinct longitudinal depression (depressio frontalis), long postorbital arch (arcus postorbitalis), extensive temporal fossa (fossa temporalis) and additional shallow subtemporal fossa (fossa subtemporalis). The parasphenoid rostrum (rostrum parasphenoidale) is distinctive, pterygoids (ossa pterygoidea) are strong and straight. Cervical vertebrae are characterized by stronger calcification of the sixth vertebra and its rigid link to thefifth. At the notarium region vertebrae are not fused: a joint is clearly seen between the last cervical and first thoracic vertebrae. The first three thoracic vertebrae are not fused, however, they are tightly connected at the ventral section. The fifth dorsal vertebra is associated with the synsacrum. The clavicles are fused into the fork (furcula) and their apophysis forms a synostosis with the top of the sternal keel (apex carinae). Coracoids end at the sternum, each in its own groove (sulcus articularis coracoideus), in a way that the sternal end of the right coracoid is placed slightly over the left. On the handle of the sternum (manubrium s. rostrum sterni) an internal thorn (spina interna) is missing, with a short groove in its place. The basic morphological description is complemented by images of bones or the skeleton, and two X-ray images of a live animal. Presented are also the measurements of individual bones.


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Original Research Paper

How to Cite

Golob, Z., Bavdek, S., Zajc, T., Janžekovič, F., & Klenovšek, T. (2016). Some anatomical characteristics of the skeleton of grey heron, Ardea cinerea. Acta Biologica Slovenica, 59(1), 55-75.