The presence of bacteria in calcium bodies of the terrestrial isopods Androniscus roseus and Haplophthalmus mengei
Trichoniscidae, biomineralization, symbiosis, crustaceanAbstract
Terrestrial isopods of the family Trichonscidae possess calcium bodies, epithelial sacs that accumulate calcium minerals. Previous studieshave demonstrated that two pairs of these organs are present in the species Titanethes albus and Hylo- niscus riparius. In T. albus, all calcium bodies are filled with bacteria, whereas only the posterior pair of calcium bodies contains bacteria in H. riparius. In the present work we studied the ultrastructure of calcium bodies in Androniscus roseus and Hap- lophthalmus mengei. Two pairs of calcium bodies containing rod-shaped bacteria are present in both species. The bacteria-containing mineralized matrix is enclosed in a simple epithelium with a folded apical plasma membrane, which is covered by a thin, electron-dense envelope. Our results show that the presence of bacteria is a general feature of trichoniscid calcium bodies, which are ultrastructurally similar. A combination of bacteria-containing calcium bodies and calcium bodies lacking bacteria has only been found in the genus Hyloniscus, in which bacteria-free calcium bodies likely functionally replace sternal CaCO3deposits.
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