Effect of selenium, iodine and their combination on development of Tartary buckwheat sprouts


  • Sara Gorše
  • Aleksandra Golob
  • Mateja Germ




Tartary buckwheat, sprouts, selenium, iodine


Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn) is becoming more and more popular due to its health benefits for humans. It contains important fibres, vitamins, certain minerals and antioxidants asrutin. Sprouts are a hot trend in the food production and nutrition. Enrichment of sprouts with iodine (I) and selenium (Se) may prevent endemic deficiency of these elements for humans and animals. The aim of the study was to found out the effect of selenate (Se(VI)), iodate (I(V)) and their combination on morphological, physiological and biochemical properties of Tartary buckwheat sprouts. Tartary seedswere soaked in solutions with Se(VI) (20 mg/L), I(V) (1500 mg/L) or in Se(VI) + I(V) (20 mg/L Se(VI) +1500 mg/L (I(V)). Experiment was performed in growth chamber in two repetitions. Measurements were performed three weeks after germination. The solution of iodate and combination of selenate and iodate lowered germination rate of sprouts. There was no effect of the treatments on the amount of chlorophyll a, anthocyanins and UV absorbing compounds. The amount of rutin was the highest in control sprouts. According to physiological measurements, control sprouts and sprouts from treated seeds were not stressed by the treatments.


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Original Research Paper

How to Cite

Gorše, S., Golob, A., & Germ, M. (2018). Effect of selenium, iodine and their combination on development of Tartary buckwheat sprouts. Acta Biologica Slovenica, 61(2), 85-92. https://doi.org/10.14720/abs.61.2.15897

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