The impact of military activities on preserving butterfly diversity in the central Slovenian military area – Poček


  • Tatjana Čelik
  • Rudi Verovnik



Lepidoptera, butterflies, transect monitoring, species richness, species composition


In 2007 and 2019, a quantitative inventory of the butterfly fauna was conducted in the central part of the Poček military training area, with the aim of comparing the fauna from both periods and evaluating the impact of military activities on the butterfly diversity. Using a standardized linear transect method and covering all habitat types represented in the military area, a total of 73 species were observed in both years (2007: 62,2019: 61), including 11 threatened species (2007: 9, 2019: 8). The fauna of both sampling periods differed significantly in composition but not in species diversity, average population density of species on single transects, and in average population density of species in the area. The difference in the faunal composition is the result of species turnover and changes in the size and spatial distribution of the population densities of the species at an individual transects. Among species whose population density decreased in 2019 compared to 2007, those with the highest densities in forest vegetation types in 2007 prevailed. On the other hand, the predominantly grassland species became more abundant in 2019. This means that regular, but temporally and spatially uneven military activities, represent heterogeneous disturbances that maintain an extremely diverse mosaic of habitat types, in which large scale extensively maintained dry calcareous grasslands and dry grasslands in the early stages of succession have the greatest conservation value. Military activities thus make an important contribution to the conservation of the biodiversity and landscape diversity of the area.


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Original Research Paper

How to Cite

Čelik, T., & Verovnik, R. (2020). The impact of military activities on preserving butterfly diversity in the central Slovenian military area – Poček. Acta Biologica Slovenica, 63(2), 45-63.

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