Learning the process of the cell cycle in 13- and 14 year-olds
mitosis, cell cycle, understanding, biology, 13-year-olds, 14-year-oldsAbstract
The new biology curriculum introduced the teaching of mitosis to 13- and 14-year-olds students in Slovenia. Mitosis is a challenging topic for this age. In our study, we enrolled a sample group of 95 students to check if the method of teaching mitosis first described by Danieley (1990) could be effective for students of this age. Prior to the survey, the students had not yet dealt with the division of cells; most of them did not even know that all living organisms are made of cells. The results show that this method is effective; enrolled students used logical reasoning and were thus able to understand how the events in the cell cycle and the process of mitosis follow one another. The majority of students correctly arranged 15 drawings presenting the stages of the cell cycle after the lesson, and their knowledge retention was satisfactory. Incorrect placements of drawings did not show any typical mistakes in students thinking about the cell cycle that should create specific concerns for the biology teachers.
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