The phenotypic plasticity of Glyceria fluitans growing over the water/land gradient
Glyceria fluitans, land/water gradient, amphibious characterAbstract
The amphibious species Glyceria fluitans successfully thrives in an intermittent ecosystem Lake Cerknica, where floods alternate with dry periods. The species grows over the environmental gradient from open water to dry land. The plant's phenotypic plasticity was studied analysing anatomical, morphological, biochemical and physiological characteristics in specimens from different loca tions. Floating leaves were thicker, having abundant aerenchyma, lower chloro phyll a+b contents and higher chlorophyll alb ratio. The relative amounts of total UV-B and UV-A screening compounds per leaf area were high and similar in all forms that indicated possibly saturated amounts. The measurement of fluorescence parameters revealed no disturbance in energy harvesting since the values of poten tial and effective photochemical efficiencies, photochemical and non-photochemi cal quenching were similar over the gradient.
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