Domestic cat – the unspoken threat to wildlife in the sub-urban location of Maribor


  • Larisa Bedrač University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • Nina Šajna University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Biology



domestic cats, cat predation, wildlife, indoor-outdoor cat, survey


The monitoring of domestic cats' prey brought home was conducted between the 13th of March and the 1st of May 2023 in two residential areas near Maribor, Slovenia. This study aimed to provide information about the amount, diversity, and frequency of prey that the cats captured to identify the predatory impact of domestic cats in peri-urban areas. We present the results of the prey captured, whether the prey was brought alive or not, and whether it was eaten or not. We further provide information about the predation frequency of domestic cats concerning circadian activity, according to weather conditions and air temperature. The frequencies of various taxonomic groups of prey captured were described concerning land use in a location and species' biology. Our results include a total of 50 records of 12 species (3 species of birds and 9 of mammals). Domestic cats were more active during the mornings, on days without rain and the frequency of bringing home prey increased with higher temperatures.


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Original Research Paper

How to Cite

Bedrač, L., & Šajna, N. (2024). Domestic cat – the unspoken threat to wildlife in the sub-urban location of Maribor. Acta Biologica Slovenica, 67(2), 4-15.