With the present issue of ALA, we are starting the second year in its new incarnation. As the paper is striving to cover the Asian languages in their multiplicity and in the multiplicity of approaches, I am glad to say that this issue offers both, in line with Roman Jakobson’s famous paraphrase “Linguista sum, linguistici nihil a me alienum puto.”
Among the six papers in this issue, two papers deal with Japanese, two with Iranian langages, and one each with the language of Ṛgveda and with Arabic. Also, approaches vary from historical phonetics/phonology (paper by John KUPCHIK on the role of rendaku in Eastern Old Japanese poetry) and historical syntax (Tamara DITRICH’s discussion of coordinative particles in Ṛgveda), to typological considerations spannig diachroinc and synchronic views (Yadgar KARIMI’s analysis of the evolution of ergative in Iranian languages). Syncronic approaches comprise pragmatics (Biook BEHNAM and Salam KHALILIAQDAM’s treatment of hedging devices in Kurdish and Robert Michael BIANCHI’s account of the new hybrid language of 3arabizi), and interdisciplinary interpretation of lexis in the light of crosscultural psychology (Márton SZEMEREY’s paper comparing Japanese and Hungarian linguistic resources for expression of emotions).
Copyright (c) 2012 Andrej BEKEŠ

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