Direct Evidentials in Korean: From the Perspective of the Multi-Store Memory Model
Korean, evidential markers, perception, acquisition, multi-store memory modelAbstract
This study clarifies the meaning of direct evidential markers in Korean and examines their semantic characteristics using a multi-store memory model. Korean direct evidential markers are categorized into those indicating either “present perception-based knowledge” or “past acquisition-based knowledge.” The former are subdivided into “unaccepted present perception-based knowledge” (-네 -ney) and “accepted present perception-based knowledge” (-군 -kwun), and the latter into “knowledge derived from past perception” (-더라 -tela) and “knowledge integrated into personal or general understanding” (-지 -ci). Within the multi-store memory model, -네 -ney aligns with the indicator of the maintenance rehearsal process, while -군 -kwun serves as an indicator of elaborative rehearsal, and -더라 -tela and -지 -ci correspond to retrieval indicators from long-term memory.
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Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Grant numbers Research Fund of 2024