Towards the Lexicographic Description of the Grammatical Behaviour of Japanese Loanwords: A Case Study


  • Toshinobu MOGI Naruto University of Education



loanwords, gairaigo, corpus linguistics, sentence pattern, Japanese language teaching


The present papers offers a case study of a Japanese loanword verb, with the aim of contributing to corpus-based research on Japanese loanwords and of providing a foundation for the compilation of a dictionary of grammatical patterns of loanwords for learners of Japanese as a foreign language. The case study presents an analysis of actual usage of loanword suru-verbs in the large-scale Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese, which is followed by a detailed analysis of all examples of the polysemous verb katto-suru. It is thereby shown how corpora can help in describing loanwords by matching a word’s meaning with its patterns of usage, and how such a description can be useful to learners of Japanese as a foreign language.


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23. 10. 2012



Research articles

How to Cite

MOGI, T. (2012). Towards the Lexicographic Description of the Grammatical Behaviour of Japanese Loanwords: A Case Study. Acta Linguistica Asiatica, 2(2), 21-34.