An Overview of Grammaticalization in the Korean Aspectual System




aspectual markers, grammaticalization, -eo iss-, -go iss-, Korean aspectual system, linguistic typology, Middle Korean, Modern Korean, progressive aspect, resultative aspect


This paper examines the grammaticalization of aspectual markers in Korean, focusing on the evolution of -go iss- -고 있- and -eo iss- -어 있- from Middle Korean to modern Korean. In Middle Korean, these markers conveyed both resultative and progressive aspects, with -go is- -고 잇- indicating the duration of a resultant state and -eo is- -어 잇- serving broader aspectual functions. Over time, -go is- became primarily associated with the progressive aspect in modern Korean, while -eo is- retained its role in marking the duration of a resultant state, though its usage diminished. The study situates these changes within a broader typological framework, demonstrating that the evolution of Korean aspectual markers aligns with global linguistic trends. The paper also critically reviews existing literature, highlights gaps, and suggests avenues for further investigations on the interaction between pragmatics, transitivity, and aspect in the grammaticalization process.


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31. 01. 2025



Research articles

How to Cite

Kumar, B. (2025). An Overview of Grammaticalization in the Korean Aspectual System. Acta Linguistica Asiatica, 15(1), 47-62.