Workplace Discourse and Expression of Hierarchy in Yoon Tae-ho’s Webtoon Misaeng




webtoon, Misaeng, workplace discourse, corporate culture, hierarchy


The article provides an in-depth analysis of workplace discourse and hierarchy as depicted in the popular Korean webtoon Misaeng. Its story takes place in a large trading company and portrays workers' daily lives, focusing on the work of Sales team 3. Through critical discourse analysis, the research shows how power relations among team members are expressed through language and interactions in a Korean corporate setting. Key events, such as the introductions of new team members, are examined to demonstrate how workplace hierarchy shapes interpersonal communication. The findings provide insights into the portrayal of Korean corporate culture, highlighting the significance of hierarchy in professional relationships and its impact on workplace communication. 


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31. 01. 2025



Research articles

How to Cite

Vučkovič, E. (2025). Workplace Discourse and Expression of Hierarchy in Yoon Tae-ho’s Webtoon Misaeng. Acta Linguistica Asiatica, 15(1), 125-152.