A Comparative Study of Idiomatic Expressions Related to Staple Foods in Korea and Türkiye: Rice and Bread
contrastive linguistics, idiomatic expressions, lexical composition, meaning, intercultural communicationAbstract
This study aims to examine idiomatic expressions related to food culture in both Korean and Turkish from a contrastive linguistic and cultural perspective, with a focus on the staple foods of rice and bread. Previous contrastive studies of idiomatic expressions in Korean and Turkish have mostly focused on contrasting the meanings of idioms related to body parts or emotions, while there has been limited research on expressions associated with food culture. However, since staple foods play a crucial role in shaping a nation’s cultural identity, investigating idiomatic expressions related to rice and bread offers valuable insights into the identities and thought patterns of both languages. By comparing and analyzing the lexical composition and meanings of major idiomatic expressions related to staple food culture, this study aims to elucidate the characteristics of idiomatic expressions, thereby enhancing the understanding of the linguistic and cultural nuances in both Korean and Turkish.
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