A Semantic Change Model for French Loanwords in Persian
Persian, loanwords, semantic changes, denotational meaning, connotational meaningAbstract
The aim of this study is to propose a model of semantic change which corresponds to synchronic analysis of the data set. For this purpose, the study examined semantic change orientation of French loanwords in Persian. Zomorrodian’s (1373/1994) book on European loanwords in Persian was selected as the database from which 1878 French loanwords were extracted. The data was analyzed semantically by consulting Bellows and Bellows’ (1919) dictionary in order to compare meanings of the original lexical items against the present meaning of the loanwords. A number of 330 loaned items were found to have undergone a type of semantic change. The corpus was examined against the existing semantic change typologies. Finding these models to be incomplete, a new model was proposed. This model, being synchronic and non-linear, is of a more elaborate design with the following advantages: a) all items (loanwords) of the corpus could be contained in it, and b) all categories of this model were filled up by loaned items.
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