Rethinking metalinguistic labels: spatio-temporal metalinguistic terms in learners’ dictionaries of Japanese expressions


  • Andrej BEKEŠ Univerza v Ljubljani/University of Ljubljana



Japanese, metalinguistic label, semantic/functional index, grammar/expression dictionaries


Paper examines spatio-temporal metalinguistic terms in learners’ dictionaries of Japanese expressions in major existing dictionaries. Based on the analysis it proposes a layered metalinguistic labelling solution to achieve the greates efficiency with the smallest possible number of labels being employed.


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Author Biography

  • Andrej BEKEŠ, Univerza v Ljubljani/University of Ljubljana
    Department of Asian and African Studies, Faculty of Arts


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31. 12. 2014



Research articles

How to Cite

BEKEŠ, A. (2014). Rethinking metalinguistic labels: spatio-temporal metalinguistic terms in learners’ dictionaries of Japanese expressions. Acta Linguistica Asiatica, 4(2), 9-23.