Adjective distribution in Modern Mongolian


  • Wenchao LI University of Zhejiang, China



Mongolian, adjective predicates, scale structure


This paper discusses adjective distribution in Mongolian based upon the mereological framework: scale structure. It investigates how adjectival complements are sensitive to the scalar structure of adjectival predicates (APs) in resultative constructions as well as direct perception expressions. The findings reveal that Mongolian only tolerates inherent resultatives; derived resultatives are ruled out. The acceptability of adjectival complements in inherent resultatives runs from 'Totally open-scale/Totally closed-scale' down to 'Lower closed/Upper closed-scale'. On the other hand, adjectival complements in direct perception expressions are of no diverse acceptability, i.e. all layers of APs are licensed. Furthermore, durative verbs are likely to yield open-scale APs whilst punctual verbs seem to favour closed-scale APs.


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28. 12. 2016



Research articles

How to Cite

LI, W. (2016). Adjective distribution in Modern Mongolian. Acta Linguistica Asiatica, 6(2), 9-22.