Negative Polarity Items in Telugu




Negative Polarity Item, minimalist-based approach, feature checking, quantifier scale, c-commanding


The paper presents a unified account of licensing conditions of Negative Polarity Items (NPI) in Telugu. Based on the distribution of NPIs in complex clauses, we state that negation c-commanding NPI at the base-generated. Consequently, features checking between negation and NPI restricts the alternatives on the scale inherent to NPIs. The morphological realization of NPI in the non-negative contexts is different from the context with overt negation. The NPIs show the following distribution. NPI occurs in subject position; A negative licensing Multiple NPIs. There are three types of NPIs: wh-element, quantifier and idiomatic expression. In complex clauses, wh-elements block long-distance licensing. In contrast, quantifiers and idiomatic expressions do not block long-distance licensing.


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30. 01. 2019



Research articles

How to Cite

DILIP, M. J., & KUMAR, R. (2019). Negative Polarity Items in Telugu. Acta Linguistica Asiatica, 9(1), 9-28.