Conveying the self in a foreign language: Exploring JFL learners’ self-introduction




learners of Japanese as a foreign language, self-introduction, self-evaluation


In this study, the authors researched how learners of Japanese as a foreign language introduce themselves and what they want to convey, as well as what kind of skills the speakers need to effectively communicate these points to the addressee. The self-introduction video data were collected from a project in which JFL learners interacted with EFL learners through Facebook. The survey data included learners' evaluations of their own self-introductions. Interviews were conducted with students in counterpart schools to evaluate the learners’ self-introductions. The authors analyzed the data and extrapolated the most useful skills for effective conveyance from the most successful self-introductions. The results showed discrepancies between learners’ self-evaluations and the opinions of the addressees. Non-verbal communication strategies were also shown to play an important role in successful conveyances. In this paper, we provide a brief overview of the project and report salient results obtained through the analysis of the data. We also share pedagogical implications of the results, and suggest alternative approaches to language pedagogy.


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Author Biography

  • Kiyomi FUJII, Kanazawa Institute of Technology

    Associate professor, Assistant director of the English Language Program in the Department of Academic Foundations at the Kanazawa Institute of Technology


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30. 07. 2019



Research articles

How to Cite

FUJII, K., & YANAGIDA, N. (2019). Conveying the self in a foreign language: Exploring JFL learners’ self-introduction. Acta Linguistica Asiatica, 9(2), 87-101.