Korean Orthography of Loanwords and spelling problems with proper nouns from Slovenia
Korean orthography, Korean, Slovene, loanwords, foreignwords, spelling problems with slovene words in HangeulAbstract
This paper firstly introduces The Korean Orthography of Loanwords and its history. Recently with more cultural and economic exchanges between Korea and Slovenia, the Korean Orthography guidelines for Slovene words are needed to guide words of Slovene origin when settling in Korean. Although Serbo-Croatian is not an official language of Slovenia, some Slovene words are currently written in Korean according to the guidelines for Serbo-Croatian in KOL. Therefore, we exam the current Korean orthography examples of Slovene words and suggest amendments based on the origin pronunciation. In order to avoid further confusion and to provide the foundation of Korean Orthography of Slovene words, we firstly demonstrated a comparison table of Slovene alphabet (abeceda) and Korean alphabet (Hangeul) supported with examples of Slovene words, and then suggested detailed guidelines on how to write Slovene words in Hangeul.
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