Development and Operation Result of Japanese Accent Perception Test Based on E-learning System




e-learning, online test, Tokyo word accent, Japanese word accent exercises, Japanese word accent teaching


Main purpose of this study is to find and build a model of Japanese accent perception practice at Japanese lessons in regular classrooms and those based on utilization of network and multimedia. Until now, Japanese phonetic researchers and teachers had to spend a disproportionate amount of time and effort to conduct experiments or test, and to develop the means to process resulting data of the experiments conducted. With the proposed [AJ-phonetic Test] system, accent tests are conducted online. In this respect, Japanese learners can take part in the phonetics experiment in a time and location convenient to them. Also, researchers and teachers can work on the obtained data by using the database available. Moreover, AJ-phonetic test feedbacks provide not only test results but also a more comprehensive data analysis. Results of the 12-year operation of AJ-phonetic test in Korea proved to have a positive effect on students as well as teachers. This paper present general guidelines necessary to conduct the AJ-phonetic test. Firstly, in case of Korean learners of Japanese, a separate set of words accentless pitch and those with accent pitch is needed because the two sets present different difficulty levels for a learner. Secondly, as the number of moras in a word affects the difficulty, we introduced dummy words, which proved successful in controling the level of difficulty and increasing learning effect. Besides, dummy words worked well as a substitute for low tone (frequency) long words as well for long words in general. Thirdly, since there are only few cases with a distinctive long-short opposition in Korean, Korean learners of Japanese have difficulties recognizing accents in words with special moras. Such words therefore need special attention. Finally, the ability of Korean learners of Japanese to recognize accent in Japanese words differs based of the learners’ native dialects. Best results were obtained by learners from the Jeonla-do region, followed by those from Gyeongsang-do region, while learners from Seoul had most difficulties in recognizing the accent. From all the above findings we conclude that Japanese accent education is highly necessary, and that in the process of education, both Japanese accent characteristics as well as learners’ native dialects should be considered.


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30. 01. 2020



Research articles

How to Cite

KIM, Y. Y. (2020). Development and Operation Result of Japanese Accent Perception Test Based on E-learning System. Acta Linguistica Asiatica, 10(1), 67-86.