Analysis of Learner’s Production of Adjectives Using the Japanese Language Learner's Corpus C-JAS: The Case of takai
Japanese language adjectives, C-JAS corpus, second-language acquisition, language production, learner’s errorsAbstract
In this paper, we explore learner production of adjectives using the Japanese language learner's corpus C-JAS (Corpus of Japanese As a Second language). Firstly, we describe the overall usage of adjectives in the corpus and discuss the distribution of the adjectives among learners including their correct and incorrect usages. Then, we take the frequently used adjective takai "high/tall/expensive" as an example and show how the learners' production of adjectives develops in terms of form, correct/incorrect usages, and lexico-semantic coverage.
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Copyright (c) 2013 Irena SRDANOVIĆ, Kumiko SAKODA
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