»Zgodovina ne teče naravnost, cikcakasto gre«: percepcija časa v Magrisovem romanu Na slepo


  • Irena Prosenc Šegula Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta



Ključne besede:

sodobna italijanska književnost, Claudio Magris, čas, zgodovina, identiteta, mit, Argonavti


In his novel Blindly Claudio Magris develops a complex perception of time. This perception is intertwined with reflections on history, identity and the status of the narrative voice. History, which “is not linear” but “zigzags” is presented as a continuously repetitive phenomenon, while temporal time is impossible to measure. The status of the autodiegetic narrator becomes highly problematic as the narrative voice assumes identities belonging to various historical periods ranging from the late 18th to the 20th centuries. The novel focuses on repressive historical periods which deform the protagonists' identities, thereby conveying an image of history as a blind and violent force. Fragmentation, one of the basic narrative techniques in the novel, concerns time sequences as well as the protagonists' identities and the narrative voice itself. As the protagonists' lives can only be narrated as fragments, there are frequent passages between different time periods. These merge into extratemporality, which is associated with eternal suffering stemming from the repetitive, oppressive nature of history. The historical events depicted in the novel are interpreted through the extratemporal dimension of the Argonaut myth.


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Biografija avtorja

  • Irena Prosenc Šegula, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta
    Irena Prosenc Šegula je izredna profesorica na Oddelku za romanske jezike in književnosti Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Ukvarja se z italijansko književnostjo dvajsetega stoletja in renesanse, pri čemer proučuje predvsem medbesedilna razmerja, recepcijo mita v italijanski književnosti, avtobiografijo, epiko in recepcijo italijanske književnosti v Sloveniji.



14. 12. 2012

Kako citirati

Prosenc Šegula, I. . (2012). »Zgodovina ne teče naravnost, cikcakasto gre«: percepcija časa v Magrisovem romanu Na slepo. Ars & Humanitas, 6(2), 9-22. https://doi.org/10.4312/ars.6.2.9-22