Confucianism vs. Modernity: Expired, Incompatible or Remedial?


  • Geir SIGURÐSSON University of Iceland



Confucianism, modernization, capitalism, consumerism


This paper is an exploration of the reappraisal that has been taking place since the 1980s of Confucianism’s suitability for a modernized society. The first section focuses in particular on the discussion that took place in Singapore on Confucianism as a stimulant for economic activity, arguing that it was first and foremost a politically motivated attempt to establish Confucianism as a convenient ideology. I then move to a discussion of recent attempts to rehabilitate Confucianism in the PRC. In the final section, I suggest how Confucianism can be a healthy antidote to some of the ills produced by contemporary capitalist practice.





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Author Biography

  • Geir SIGURÐSSON, University of Iceland
    Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), Chinese Studies, Vice-head, Department of Foreign Languages, Literature and Linguistics


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30. 05. 2014



Modern Confucianism as a New Chinese Ideology

How to Cite

SIGURÐSSON, Geir. 2014. “Confucianism Vs. Modernity: Expired, Incompatible or Remedial?”. Asian Studies 2 (1): 21-38.