The Philosophy of Logic in China

A 70-year Retrospective and Prospects for the Future


  • HU Yang South China Normal University, China
  • HU Zehong South China Normal University, China



Philosophy of logic, the Chinese context, the exclusive/inclusive notion of logic, the social-cultural role of logic


This 70-year retrospective of the Chinese work on philosophy of logic is presented mainly in terms of the notion of the “philosophy of logic”, the notion of logic and the social-cultural role of logic. It generally involves three kinds of questions, namely, how to distinguish philosophical logic from the philosophy of logic, what the nature and scope of logic is from Chinese scholars’ point of view, and why the social-cultural role of logic is underscored in the Chinese context. Finally, some of the prospects for the future studies of philosophy of logic in China are indicated.


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9. 05. 2022

How to Cite

Hu, Yang, and Zehong Hu. 2022. “The Philosophy of Logic in China: A 70-Year Retrospective and Prospects for the Future”. Asian Studies 10 (2): 79-104.