COVID-19 in Asia – Changing Life as We Know It and the New Normal


  • Jana S. ROŠKER University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia



causes, effects, ethical implications, ideological implications, pandemic


The present issue of Asian Studies is devoted to the investigation of the causes, effects, and ethical and ideological implications of the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia, particularly in East and South-East Asia. COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on global societies. There have been enormous changes in the economy, lifestyles, education, culture, and many other aspects of social life (Caron 2021, 1). The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed societies, cultures, organizations, infrastructures, and many social services into a completely new reality. In this respect, the COVID-19 pandemic is without doubt a crisis of global proportions. Therefore, the whole of humanity should try to find a strategic solution to it, and to this end, the importance of intercultural dialog is manifested in a particularly clear and unambiguous way.


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Caron, Jean François. 2021. A Sketch of the World after the COVID-19 Crisis: Essays on Political Authority, the Future of Globalization, and the Rise of China. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

Grčar, Mina. 2021. “Ivan Skušek Jr. and His Collection of Chinese Coins.” Asian Studies 9 (3): 47–83.

Motoh, Helena. 2021. “Lived-in Museum: The Early 20th Century Skušek Collection.” Asian Studies 9 (3): 119–40.

Rošker, Jana S. 2021. Kriza kot nevarnost in upanje: etika pandemij, razcvet avtokracij in sanje o avtonomiji v transkulturni perspektivi. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba FF.

Vampelj Suhadolnik, Nataša. 2021. “East Asia in Slovenia: Collecting Practices, Categorization and Representation.” Asian Studies 9 (3): 7–18.



19. 01. 2022

How to Cite

Rošker, Jana S. 2022. “COVID-19 in Asia – Changing Life As We Know It and the New Normal”. Asian Studies 10 (1): 7-11.

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