Asian Studies and the History of Chinese Logic
A Long and Fruitful Journey
Asian studies, logic, history of logicAbstract
This special issue outlines the process of the introduction of logic in 20th century China. It describes the institutional as well as the conceptual and theoretical dimensions of this process, and presents the work of numerous eminent intellectuals who devoted their lives to promoting and introducing a public discourse of logic during this period. It also presents the Chinese institutional background that enabled the development of logic in China, such as academies, university departments, journals, and academic societies.
Chen, Bo. 2006. “The Debate on the Yan–Yi Relation in Chinese Philosophy: Reconstruction and Comments.” Frontiers of Philosophy in China 1 (4): 539–60.
———. 2009. “Xunzi’s Politicized and Moralized Philosophy of Language.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 36 (1): 107–40.
———. 2012. “Justification of Induction: Russell and Jin Yuelin. A Comparative Study.” History and Philosophy of Logic 33 (4): 353–78.
———. 2014. “Six Groups of Paradoxes in Ancient China, From the Perspective of Comparative Philosophy.” Asian Philosophy 24 (4): 363–92.
———. 2018. “A Look Back at the Development of Chinese Logic since 1978.” Frontiers of Philosophy in China 13 (4): 662–82.
———. 2019. “Russell and Jin Yuelin on Fact: From the Perspective of Comparative Philosophy.” Philosophy East and West 69 (4): 929–50.
———. 2021 “Russell and Jin Yuelin on Truth: A Comparative Study.” Contemporary Chinese Thought 52 (1-2): 43–76.
Cui, Qingtian. 2005. “Processes and Methods in Researching the History of Chinese Logic.” Azijske in afriške študije 5 (2): 15–25.
———. 2021. “Researching the History of Chinese Logic: The Role of Wen Gongyi in the Establishment of New Methodologies.” Asian Studies 9 (2): 105–20.
Hashi, Hisaki. 2016. “The Logic of ‘Mutual Transmission’ in Huayan and Zen Buddhist Philosophy—Toward the Logic of Co-Existence in a Globalized World.” Asian Studies 4 (2): 95–108.
Rošker, Jana S. 2005a. “New Bridges of Intercultural Understanding: Universality and Culturally Bounded Elements in Logic.” Azijske in afriške študije 5 (2): 5–13.
———, ed. 2005b. Chinese Logic and Chinese Culture: Research in Traditional Chinese Logic. Special issue of the journal Asian and African Studies 9 (2).
———. 2010a. “A Chinese View on the Cultural Conditionality of Logic and Epistemology: Zhang Dongsun’s Intercultural Methodology.” Asian and African Studies 14 (3): 43–60.
———. 2010b. “Kitajska strukturna semantika: primer klasične analogije.” Asian and African Studies 14 (2): 1–20.
Vrhovski, Jan. 2019. “Žad iz gore Kun: o simboliki žada v dinastiji Han.” Asian Studies 7 (1): 293–311.; doi: 10.4312/as.2019.7.1.293-311.
———. 2020a. “Between Universal Consciousness and Cultural Patterns of Thought: Perspectives on Yu Yu’s Notion of Logic in the 1930s.” Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies ISSN 2047-1076, 2020 (18): 151–79.
———. 2020b. “Šest budističnih simbolov: analiza poetične podobe Budovega razsvetljenja iz dinastije Song.” Asian Studies 8 (1): 237–66.; doi: 10.4312/as.2020.8.1.237-266.
———. 2020c. “Qinghua School of Logic and the Origins of Taiwanese Studies in Modern Logic: A Note on the Early Thought of Mou Zongsan and Yin Haiguang.” Asian Studies 8 (3): 231–50.; doi: 10.4312/as.2020.8.3.231-250.
———. 2021a. “One Hundred Years of Chinese Studies on Philosophy of Bertrand Russell: Continuities, Retrospectives, and New Directions.” Contemporary Chinese Thought 52 (1/2): 1–8. 10.1080/10971467.2021.1917938.
———. 2021b. “A Few Important Landmarks in the Chinese Debates on Dialectical and Formal Logic from the 1930s.” Asian Studies 9 (2): 81–103.
———. 2021c. “Shadowlands of Objectivism and Comprehensiveness: An Introduction to Key Concepts in Zhang Shenfu’s Philosophical Thought (1919–1948).” Asian Studies 9 (1): 227–62.; doi: 10.4312/as.2021.9.1.227-262.
———. 2021d. “On Infinitesimals and Indefinitely Cut Wooden Sticks: A Chinese Debate on Mathematical Logic and Russell’s Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy from 1925.” History and Philosophy of Logic 2 (42): 1–19.; doi: 10.1080/01445340.2021.190 2073.
———. 2021e. “Qinghua School of Logic’: Mathematical Logic at Qinghua University in Peking, 1926–1945.” History and Philosophy of Logic 42 (3): 247–61.; doi: 10.1080/01445340.2021.1904663.
———. 2021f. “Bertrand Russell, Fu Tong, and the Emergence of Scientific Secularism in Early 1920s China.” Review of Religion and Chinese Society 8 (1): 1–26.; doi: 10.1163/22143955-08010001.
Wu, Kefeng. 2005. “Changeology and Ancient Chinese Logic.” Azijske in afriške študije 5 (2): 161–86.
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