Dissolution of the Self

Digital Technology, Privacy and Intimacy in Europe and the Sinophone Regions


  • Jana S. ROŠKER University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia




digital technology, humanism, human self, personhood, privacy, intimacy


This article explores the connection between digital technology and privacy and intimacy in Europe and the Sinophone regions, with a particular focus on the changing role and constitution of human personhood. It argues that digital technology has fundamentally altered the ways in which individuals construct and maintain their personal boundaries, resulting in the erosion of traditional notions of the human self. Through an analysis of cultural and historical factors, the article demonstrates how this phenomenon manifests itself differently in Europe and mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan respectively, highlighting the specific challenges and opportunities that arise in each context. The article also considers the cultural differences between the European and Chinese cultures regarding privacy and intimacy, and the ways in which digital technology has amplified these differences. It argues that while digital technology has created new opportunities for connection and intimacy, it has also exposed individuals to new risks and vulnerabilities, including the loss of privacy and the erosion of selfhood.

Overall, the article aims to contribute to our understanding of the cultural and social implications of digital technology. It highlights the need for a more nuanced approach to the regulation of digital technology, one that takes into account cultural differences and the complex ways in which technology is reshaping our sense of self and our relationships with others.


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7. 09. 2023

How to Cite

Rošker, Jana S. 2023. “Dissolution of the Self: Digital Technology, Privacy and Intimacy in Europe and the Sinophone Regions”. Asian Studies 11 (3): 47-67. https://doi.org/10.4312/as.2023.11.3.47-67.

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