When Dialectica and Logica Travelled East
An Early Modern Chinese Translation of ‘Logic’ in Mingli tan
mingli, Aristotelian logic, Chinese philosophy, intercultural, translation history, history of conceptsAbstract
Mingli tan 名理探 (Investigation of Name-Patterns) is the first Chinese work dedicated to introducing Aristotelian logic. It was largely forgotten after being published in the 1630s, only rediscovered more than two centuries later, and then considered by modern academia more or less a failed project. However, through the lens of mingli, the key term to translate ‘logic’ in the book, this paper argues that despite the scarce readership and influence of Mingli tan, its translation practice should not be deemed as a failure. Instead, it is a work that reveals how translators can intervene with conceptual paradigms creatively and meaningfully. This paper provides a thorough examination of mingli, a culturally loaded term, by contextualizing it in the late Ming (1582‒1644), a time of significant Sino-European cultural contacts. In doing so, it sheds light on the neglected philosophical value carried by the term through translation, and highlights the translator—Li Zhizao李之藻 (1565‒1630)—and his pioneering effort in infusing it with a novel Aristotelian and Christian sense. Mingli is also examined in the broader intellectual history. Through an investigation into its traces in later Chinese translations of ‘logic’ starting from the 19th century until the 1980s, this study reveals a line of changes in the Chinese reception of logic suggested by the shift from the use of mingli to the phonetic translation luoji 逻辑 to denote logic, indicating that mingli can serve as a meaningful clue to track the transition of Chinese thought from traditional to modern paradigms.
CCT-database: Chinese Christian Texts Database. Ad Dudink, and Nicolas Standaert (authors). http://www.arts.kuleuven.be/sinology/cct.
Diaolong Full-text Database of Chinese and Japanese Ancient Books: Diao long zhong ri guji quanwen jiansuo shujuku 雕龙中日古籍全文检索数据库. China Educational Publications: Gujin Tushu Jicheng 古今图书集成 (The Complete Collection of Illustrations and Writings from the Earliest to Current Times); Qing dai shiliao 清代史料 (Historical Materials of Qing Dynasty); Zhongguo difangzhi 中国地方志 (Chinese Local Gazetteers); Zhongguo difangzhi xuji 中国地方志续集 (Sequel to Chinese Local Gazetteers); Riben gudian shuji ku 日本古典书籍库 (Database of Japanese Classical Books); Xuxiu Siku Quanshu 续修四库全书 (Sequel to the Complete Books of the Four Repositories); Siku Quanshu 四库全书 (The Complete Books of the Four Repositories); Quan siku cunmu 全四库存目 (Full Series of Only-Title-Reserved Books in Siku Quanshu); Siku wei shou shu 四库未收书 (Excluded Books from Siku Quanshu); Siku jinhui shu 四库禁毁书 (Prohibited and Destroyed Books from Siku Quanshu).
Scripta Sinica. Hanji dianzi wenxian 汉籍电子文献 (Chinese Electronic Texts). Academia Sinica. https://hanchi.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/ihp/hanji.htm.
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