「指物」與「齊物」的認知觀點比較/Comparison of the Cognitive Perspective of “Referring to Things” and “Equality of Things”


  • Hsien-Chung LEE Professor of philosophy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan




referring to things, equality of things, subject-object dualism, Dao tong wei yi





While Gong Sun Longzi advocated the cognitive perspective of “referring to things”, (zhi wu 指物) Zhuangzi advocated the cognitive position of “equality of things” (qi wu 齊物), which strongly criticized the former. The cognitive model of Gong Sun Longzi is basically a subject-object dualism, but Zhuangzi’s cognitive perspective is that all things are penetrated into One by Dao. The purpose of this article is to compare the cognitive purpose, methods, and results between Gong Sun Longzi and Zhuangzi and to illustrate that the cognitive perspective of “referring to things” may easily fall into scepticism, or agnosticism, and Zhuang zi’s “equality of things” point of view is, although mysterious, a cognitive approach, providing a stage for “overall grasp”. Both of them have complementary significance of the cognitive problems in the traditional Chinese philosophy.



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Author Biography

  • Hsien-Chung LEE, Professor of philosophy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
    Professor of philosophy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan



25. 09. 2012

How to Cite

LEE, Hsien-Chung. 2012. “「指物」與「齊物」的認知觀點比較/Comparison/of/the/Cognitive/Perspective/of/“Referring/to/Things”/and/‘Equality/of/Things’”. Asian Studies -16 (1): 45-64. https://doi.org/10.4312/as.2012.-16.1.45-64.